Title: "Ultimate AR-15 Cerakote Zombie Green Upper Parts Kit: Mil-Spec Charging Handle, Forward Assist, and Ejection Port Dust Cover"
Mil-Spec Charging Handle: Crafted from high-grade 6061-T6 Aircraft Aluminum, our Mil-Spec Charging Handle ensures smooth operation even under the most extreme conditions. Engineered for reliability and durability, this charging handle is meticulously designed to fit AR-15, AR-9mm, AR-47, AR-300ACC platforms flawlessly. Its Cerakote Zombie Green finish not only adds a striking visual appeal but also provides enhanced corrosion resistance.
CNC Machined 7075 Billet Aluminum (REGULAR): Precision machined from top-quality 7075 billet aluminum, this charging handle guarantees exceptional strength and longevity. Its ergonomic design offers a comfortable grip and precise control, making it an indispensable component for any AR enthusiast.
Forward Assist Kit: Included in this comprehensive kit is everything you need for reliable forward assist operation. Featuring a plunger, spring, and retainer pin, all coated in eye-catching Cerakote Zombie Green, this forward assist ensures seamless functionality and effortless engagement, even in challenging shooting conditions.
Ejection Port Dust Cover: Complete your AR-15 build with our Ejection Port Dust Cover kit. Consisting of a rod, spring, and cover, each component is meticulously engineered for a perfect fit and durable performance. Finished in Cerakote Zombie Green, this dust cover not only adds a unique aesthetic touch but also protects your firearm's internals from dust and debris, ensuring smooth and reliable ejection operation.
Transform your AR-15 into a standout masterpiece with our Cerakote Zombie Green Upper Parts Kit. Engineered for precision, durability, and style, each component is meticulously crafted to exceed your expectations. Whether you're a seasoned shooter or a novice enthusiast, elevate your AR-15 build with our premium-quality parts kit today!